About Stonehouse


Fitness plans that encourage

women in their quest for 

health, beauty and well being

Stonehouse Fitness engages women in fun exercise programs specially designed for each individual body.

Trainer Joyce Carlisle founded Stonehouse Fitness to fulfill her dream of making fitness programs accessible to women. The nurturing and inspiring environment in her private training facility is unlike a traditional gym with its rooms crammed full of equipment.

In this serene atmosphere, Joyce leads heart healthy cardio, strength, balance and flexibility training for individuals and small intimate groups. Exercise programs incorporate bands, balls, tubes, body weight, free weights and music.

Programs range from restorative and healing to sport-specific and adventuresome.

Stonehouse Fitness follows the guidelines of the National Academy of Sports Medicine to provide safe exercise methods whether you’ve never exercised or you’re an experienced athlete. All programs are based on your current level of fitness and start with a personalized fitness assessment to develop a baseline for setting realistic goals and to help measure your success.

Women are motivated to exercise when they are assured of privacy and a supportive and inspirational environment. Stonehouse Fitness offers a private setting in a newly renovated studio tucked away along Atascadero Creek between Santa Barbara and Goleta, with ample parking and easy freeway access. Aromatic plants, beautiful flowers, the soothing sound of a waterfall and a natural indoor/outdoor environment with beautiful music, create a tranquil, reassuring atmosphere.

With Joyce’s support, you can choose to take charge of your health.

Call or text Joyce at (805) 886-8510, or email joyce@stonehousefitness.com. She’ll be delighted to meet you.

© 2012 Stonehouse Fitness