Girls Just Want to Have Fun
- At April 22, 2015
- By admin
- In Cardiovascular / Flexibility / Restorative Healing Exercise / Strength
At Stonehouse Fitness we know how to have fun & we do it all in a beautiful space! Nurture your mind, body & spirit in the peaceful atmosphere of a private studio; attend to your health & wellness, & delight in the serene, natural environment.
Enjoy the physical & psychological benefits of a program customized for you by Joyce Carlisle, a personal trainer who understands & respects the needs & limits of individual bodies. Get in touch with certified fitness trainer Joyce to begin your own personal journey of health, fitness & fun!
Custom Classes at Stonehouse Fitness
- At March 5, 2014
- By admin
- In Healthy Eating
No need for the same old thing! Create & customize your workout from our exercise ingredients. Choose from restorative & healing techniques to weight loss, metabolic boosters, functional living, strength, balance, endurance & flexibility.
Mix it up with our eclectic menu of scientific based movements featuring the National Academy of Sports Medicine theory of progressive exercise. Be challenged & stay safe to prevent injury. Find your exercise threshold to maximize the benefits of your time & money. Increase function & maintain a healthy lifestyle. And have fun while you are doing it. Private environment, individual attention & mood boosting music. Even if you don’t want to exercise, just show up & we will take care of you!
Music: Exercise Anesthesia
- At February 12, 2014
- By admin
- In Healthy Eating
At Stonehouse Fitness we create special playlists for your workout experience. Listen to soul, jazz, rock n’ roll or classical depending upon your mood. Music adds an element of creativity to working out. Feel the beat! It’s a party every time!
Schedule a private session with Joyce to experience the music & magic in your workout. We love musical workouts & look forward to seeing you!
Happy Healthy Heart
- At July 24, 2013
- By admin
- In Healthy Eating
The health of your heart is the most important reason to maintain fitness. It is also one of the easiest! Energize & boost your day by exercising in your proper heart rate zone. Learn your heart rate training zones using a fitness monitor. A fitness monitor is like having a personal coach with you every time you exercise. Heart rate training provides oxygen & nutrients to the brain, organs, muscles, tendons & bones promoting weight loss, increased energy, reduced risk of injury, improved lung capacity, reduced blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, increased bone density & improved cognitive functioning. Stress, depression & anxiety symptoms can also be managed with heart rate training. Come to Stonehouse Fitness & learn your heart rate training zones & how to use a heart rate monitor. Learn to improve your heart muscle efficiency in a safe way with individualized goals & program design.
Regular exercise is known to help reduce blood pressure by progressively building a stronger cardiovascular system. Blood pressure is one indicator of cardiovascular health. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted against the arterial walls when blood is being forced through the vessels. Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted against the arterial walls when no blood is being forced through the vessels. Exercise regularly for healthy blood pressure! Stonehouse Fitness is a great place to start healthy exercise habits in a beautiful indoor/outdoor location. Joyce Carlise is an inspiring fitness trainer – get in touch to schedule an appointment!
10 Nutrient-Dense Green Vegetables
- At September 29, 2012
- By admin
- In Healthy Eating
Include these nutrient-dense foods regularly in your diet. A plant rich diet aids in digestion, hormone production and contains anti-oxidant vitamins and minerals.
- Mustard / Turnip / Collard Greens
- Kale
- Watercress
- Bok Choy
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Chinese Cabbage
- Brussels Sprouts
- Swiss Chard
- Arugula
Get on the Ball!
- At September 29, 2012
- By admin
- In Speed, Agility & Power / Strength
A stability ball is a great tool for developing core strength, balance and flexibility. Flatten abs, tighten glutes, tone & sculpt arms and legs, improve posture on the soft pliable surface of a stability ball. Learn to train on a stability ball at Stonehouse Fitness.
For use at home, purchase a stability ball of “anti-burst” quality and select the size that is right for your height*. Choosing a color that blends with your room design will make it visually pleasing in your space. You’ll find a variety of sizes and colors on-line. Follow the guidelines on the packaging.
Sit slightly forward on the ball with knees wide and feet wide to form a sort of tripod for balance.
*When sitting on the ball with feet flat on the floor, knees and hips should be at the same height. Those under 5 feet tall should use balls that are 45 cm, 5 feet to 5 feet 6 inches should use 55 cm balls and those 5 feet 7 inches and taller should use 65 cm balls.
Consult with your physician before performing this or any other exercise you are not used to.
Website Launched!
- At March 2, 2012
- By admin
- In Speed, Agility & Power
Welcome to the Stonehouse Fitness website. Your feedback is an essential part of this process and we encourage you to take a moment and let us know what you would like to see as we continue to work on the site.